
Search News You Can Use

I'm obsessed with understanding Search & AI. Started this newsletter shortly after the Penguin algo was released. Is Gemini the future of Search? Newsletter lives here:

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Helpful Content Info from Google, odd recipe SERPS, Gemini Advanced is here. Ep. 324. Search News You Can Use

Hello! We had a lot of discussions on the helpful content system and also E-E-A-T this week. Gemini Advanced is here! I'll get you caught up on what is happening with Bard/Gemini. (I really like Gemini Advanced.) Important to know this week There were rumblings of an update Feb 7-8, but nothing official was confirmed. Something weird is going on with recipe SERPs. E-E-A-T is not a ranking factor. It’s so much more. Danny Sullivan shared info on the helpful content system: sites affected may...

Hello everyone! We have a shorter episode this week and also I'm making you click through to read it instead of putting it all in the newsletter. Why? I would like to send Google more signals that people are engaging with my content! Important to know this week SEO Google released a new SEO starter guide. How I describe E-E-A-T in 2024. Indexing issues. Cache pages removed from search. AI generated blurbs generated from user insights in maps. AI Bard may be renamed to Gemini. Bard now does...

Oh boy I have been waiting for this. Google updated their SEO Starter guide. I really like this new guide. It explains a lot about what is important to rankings, the importance of topics, and also tells us quite a bit about Google’s use of links. I’ll share my current thoughts on links. These are important! Today a lot of the SEO community are focusing on this line in the new guide… Forget the words, “ranking factor.” E-E-A-T is incredibly important! Those words link to the following section...

Hi Reader, SGE is not going away. SGE in Assistant will one day be the way people get their information and communicate with their technology. This letter was originally written to my paid subscribers in September. Now that there is so much discussion on what is happening with our search results, it's time for me to share it publicly. It has been Google's goal from day one to organize the world's information and make it accessible to all. I do not believe Search is their end goal. More here:...

Hello everyone, Here's what I found interesting and important in search and AI this week. Once again, there's a lot! On Friday, Danny Sullivan made us all think a huge update was happening (It didn’t as far as I know.) He also gave some very detailed and helpful insight when asked about a page that was struggling to rank. Bard made some advances and a real human got a Neuralink brain implant so they can control an app with their thoughts. If you just have a few minutes, here is a super quick...

I have been talking about a term referred to in the Pandu Nayak DOJ vs Google testimony as IS, which appears to mean “information satisfaction,” signals. I thought this phrase represented the clicks, hovers, mouse scrolls and other engagement signals that are mentioned throughout the trial, but it turns out that IS signals are a different signal that Google uses in improving its ranking systems. IS refers to the information that comes from the quality raters as they rate sites. It is such an...

Hello everyone, Oh boy a lot of things happened this week! In this episode, we’ll talk about the potential demise of SGE, Google’s cancellation of their contract with quality rater provider Appen Labs, and the introduction of new AI features like Circle to Search and Multisearch’s AI-generated answers. Plus, we'll discuss Bard’s expected integration with Assistant, a bug causing sites to fluctuate in search rankings, and more. Read this episode in the Search Bar This is Search News You Can...

I have a confession to make. I really don’t like talking about schema. Throughout my career there are two things that I have dreaded discussing with website owners - schema and hreflang. I still don’t know enough about either and have great respect for those of you who have these topics mastered. For at least 10 years now I have promised myself that one day I would dig in more to understand schema and its potential value. Today is finally that day. And wow, after writing this, I am definitely...

Hello! I am beyond excited about the changes I have seen in Google Assistant this week. Google is making changes that I think are the beginning of a new era in how people get their information online. I’ve written this episode in a tone that is meant to be read. I had hoped that you could read it with your Assistant. Unfortunately mine tells me it can't read this page. It will read some newsletter episodes and not others. I think it has to do with the content within. I will keep...

Hi Reader, Earlier today I sent you an email to tell you about the change Google Announced that puts Search within Google Assistant. This may not seem like a big thing. I mean, voice search has been around for a long time right? I'm sending this episode of Marie's Thoughts to all of my subscribers, not just the paid ones this week. This topic is incredibly important and I want to share my thoughts with all who are interested. Read this in the Search Bar Click here to read or comment online...